
Environmental Geotechnical Specialists

Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


In every service delivered on every project, our team works efficiently to uncover the answers our clients need about the ground beneath them, presenting information accurately to help them make critical decisions and move their construction works forward.

g r ound investigation drilling & e x c av ation engineering consultancy labo r a t ory testing & gas moni t oring su r veying & flood risk assessments t r aining, CPD & expe r t witness insitu testing ... delivered using our own drilling rigs / crews / soils lab / engineers


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    Ground Investigation

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Drill icon

    Drilling & Excavation

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Earth layers icon

    Insitu Testing

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Engineering Consultant icon

    Engineering Consultancy

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Chemistry lab icon

    Laboratory Testing & Gas Monitoring

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Presentation board icon

    Training, CPD & Expert Witness

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


  • Files icon

    Surveying & Risk Assessments

    Welcome to Rogers Geotechnical Services (RGS), a national, highly accredited, award-winning ground investigation services provider based in Yorkshire. Construction companies, developers, designers, local councils and geotechnical specialists across the UK trust us to find cost-efficient solutions to their ground problems - and so can you.


About Us

Three decades of drilling and digging deep for data, and all possible thanks to our team.

People are the life and blood of RGS. Professionally trained and personable, our team prides itself on delivering high-quality outcomes to our clients while sticking rigidly to processes that put efficiency and safety first.

RGS worker using piling equipment

“I have used RGS numerous times and will continue to do so, as their office and operation teams are excellent. The communication from concept to operations was proactive, and their guidance on appropriate techniques has been greatly received over the years. I have used RGS for CPD training courses for various ground engineering disciplines because of their in-house knowledge and experience. I will continue to work with and recommend RGS as their services so far have been faultless.”

Julia Hill

Julia Nicholson

Federation of Piling Specialists


Our Head Office in Shelley is home to our UKAS-accredited laboratory, fieldworks department and drilling rigs fleet. With contact centres conveniently placed in Burton-on-Trent, Cardiff, Carlisle and Hull, RGS is close by and ready to support client projects across the UK.
