Drilling rig next to river


RGS provides over fifty professional services, ready to support our UK customers with planning and executing their construction works safely and efficiently.

Take a look at our comprehensive services list – each delivered using our own drilling rigs, UKAS-accredited soils lab, and crew, including professionally qualified engineers.

In every service delivered on every project, our team works efficiently to uncover the answers our customers need, presenting information accurately to help them make critical decisions about the ground and move their construction works forward.

g r ound investigation drilling & e x c av ation engineering consultancy labo r a t ory testing & gas moni t oring su r veying & flood risk assessments t r aining, CPD & expe r t witness insitu testing ... delivered using our own drilling rigs / crews / soils lab / engineers
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Ground Investigation

Construction work can uncover many hidden problems, like contamination, mines, and underground water. It’s essential to understand the state of the ground before you begin your building project and save yourself the headache later caused by excessive project time and money.

From a detailed desk study to a thorough excavation, a trusted ground investigation service from RGS can help you.

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Drilling & Excavation

Site investigations are a necessary component of your construction project, helping you see the state of the ground before you start building. With a comprehensive fleet of drilling rigs and excavators, our state-of-the-art tools and trained engineers are good to go whatever the project size or ground conditions.

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Insitu Testing

Ground samples can be difficult to remove and test depending on their density. Some types of soil, sand, clay and rock needs to stay in its natural habitat to obtain the best results, sampled and tested in a laboratory by experienced, knowledgeable engineers. 

RGS Insitu testing always comes to you – so you can leave your substance intact and get the measure on its merits without moving it.

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Engineering Consultancy

Geoenvironmental projects are tricky and require skilled professionals to complete each job effectively. When you need an extra set of eyes - and bags full of expertise - qualified engineers from RGS can help, attending sites to consult, advise and oversee your team's projects to successful completion.

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Laboratory Testing & Gas Monitoring

Digging underground and retrieving samples is the first crucial component of ground investigation. Next comes testing them to meet the highest quality standards. In our UKAS-accredited laboratory in Yorkshire, qualified technicians take sampling seriously, uncovering data you can rely on to create a detailed picture before your build begins.

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Training, CPD & Expert Witness

Keeping engineering teams professionally up to speed is essential, balancing their personal development goals and the company's compliance needs. RGS is accredited to train your staff on various engineering certificates, with in-house delivery options to work around your schedule.

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Surveying & Risk Assessments

Understanding the lay of the land is critical when you're planning or constructing a building. Surveys are the starting point for many geotechnical projects, giving you a detailed view of the proposed site - from size limitations to flood or drainage risks - and RGS has the knowledge and topographical tools to help!

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Need Help With Your Solution?

Do you require a geotechnical and/or environmental investigation? You’re in the right place. Give one of our friendly team a call now.

“I have worked with RGS for many years and have always found Emma and all the team to be extremely helpful. They provide a friendly, knowledgeable and professional service that I know I can trust and rely on, backed up with a vast amount of experience.”

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Richard Jagger

RJ Design Ltd


Personable and professional, our team of engineering consultants, fieldwork engineers, laboratory technicians, project managers and business development experts is ready to help progress your construction project forwards.

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